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How do I get started?

Step #1:
See if teaching is for you by volunteering at a local high school or community college agriculture program, be a guest observer in an agriculture class, or support an agricultural youth program event.  


Step #2:
Begin your college journey at a community or four-year college. Obtain early field experiences by volunteering in a variety of educational and agricultural settings. Complete a bachelor's degree in Agriculture Science (or the equivalent).  Diversify your knowledge of agriculture by enrolling in a variety of agricultural courses while completing your bachelor's degree.  Agricultural internships and industry experience prior to teaching are incredibly valuable ways to master skills and infuse your lessons with first hand experience! 
Step #3:
Get your Single Subject Agriculture and Agriculture Specialist teaching credential through a credentialing program offered at one of the five recognized programs in California (Cal Poly Pomona, Cal Poly SLO, CSU Chico, CSU Fresno, or UC Davis).

Step #4:
Start student teaching!


Step #5:
Obtain a Full-Time job with an average starting salary of $66,338 a year (2023-2024).  Learn more about ag teacher salaries.


Pathway Guide

We realize that everyone's journey to becoming a California ag teacher may look slightly different.  Use the following Pathway Guide as a roadmap on your journey.  Let us know how we can help along the way!

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