Agriculture Teacher Salaries
How is the salary schedule of an agriculture teacher different?
The following is a breakdown of California agriculture teacher salary components. It is important to note that agriculture teachers are typically on 10 month contracts for the school year, therefore earning possible additional stipends for summer month responsibilities. Agriculture teachers enjoy the flexibility of 10 month contracts, coupled with school holidays, in addition to earned vacation time. According to available data from the Agriculture Experience Tracker (AET) the average base salary in 2023-2024 was $81,079. Additional salary components, shown below, increase the total average salary in 2023-2024 to $95,179. The highest paid agriculture teacher in 2023 earned $218,667. The average total salary for a first year teacher in 2023-2024 was $68,339.

Total Average Salary
Average Base Salary
Average Extended Contract
Average FFA Stipend
Average Department Head Stipend
California Agriculture Teachers earn an additional $15,000 in fringe benefits (medical, dental, retirement, etc.).
Agriculture Experience Tracker (AET), 2023.
*Statistics based on teacher reported available data.
Salary F.A.Q.'s
What is a base salary?
Agriculture teacher salaries vary throughout the six regions in California, and even district to district. Agriculture teachers earn a 10 month base salary or compensation depending on their level of education, as well as their classroom experience. Additional compensation or stipends supplement the base salary depending on assigned contractual duties of the position. The average base salary in 2023-2024 was $81,079. The average base salary for first year teachers in 2023-2024 was $60,826.
What is an extended contract?
Many agriculture teachers are also paid on extended contracts because of the amount of additional work they put in during the summer months for Supervised Agricultural Experience (SAE) visits, professional development, fairs, livestock shows, leadership events, etc. The average extended contract for a California agriculture teacher in 2023-2024 was $11,122. 76% of California agriculture teachers had extended contracts in 2023-2024.
What is a stipend?
A stipend is a fixed regular sum paid as a base salary addition. Agriculture teachers may earn stipends for FFA advising, travel, department head responsibilities, farm management, etc. 51% of agriculture teachers earned FFA stipends in 2023-2024, averaging $2,358 each.
What is a department head?
Department head responsibilities my vary depending on the agriculture program needs. The department head is typically the representative of the department in all official communications. In 2023-2024 19% of California agriculture teachers earned a department head stipend, averaging $638 each.
What benefits do California Agriculture Teachers earn?
Agriculture teachers earn an average of $15,000 in fringe benefits, health (medical, dental, etc.), retirement benefits, vacation time and sick days.
Agriculture Experience Tracker (AET), 2023.
*Statistics based on teacher reported available data.